Vaccination of Dogs and Cats in Clarksburg, WV

Vaccinating your pets is more than a checkmark on your to-do list; it’s a vital step in ensuring their health and the safety of the community. With years of experience under our belts, we at Harrison Central Veterinary Hospital understand the nuances of pet care in Clarksburg, WV.

Our team, led by Dr. Erik Pulice, who has an extensive background in veterinary care, provides comprehensive vaccination services tailored to meet the specific needs of your beloved dogs and cats.

Learn more about the importance of keeping up with your pet’s vaccinations here!

The Importance of Vaccinations for Dogs and Cats

Protects Against Serious Diseases and Illnesses

Vaccines play a crucial role in safeguarding dogs and cats from life-threatening diseases such as rabies, canine distemper, parvovirus, and feline leukemia. By stimulating their immune systems to fight off infections, vaccines keep pets healthy and prevent serious illnesses that can lead to high veterinary costs or even loss of life.

Prevents Spread of Diseases Within the Community

By ensuring pets are current on their vaccinations, including the core shots DHPP for dogs and FVRCP for cats, pet owners play a crucial role in keeping public safety intact. This approach helps prevent outbreaks among animals and safeguards children and adults from potentially harmful encounters with infected pets.

Our Vaccination Services

Core Vaccinations for Dogs and Cats

Core vaccinations are vital for keeping dogs and cats safe from critical illnesses. For dogs, these key vaccines cover:

  • Rabies
  • DHPP (Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvovirus, and Parainfluenza)
  • Leptospirosis

On the feline side, cats need:

  • FVRCP (Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus, and Panleukopenia)
  • Rabies shot

The vaccination process starts when puppies and kittens are about six to eight weeks old. They undergo a series of core shots that help build their immune defenses against serious ailments.

Non-Core Vaccinations for Dogs and Cats

We also provide extra vaccinations for both dogs and cats. These are super important for protecting your furry friends from certain diseases that they might not be covered against with the standard vaccines.

For example, there’s a shot to protect dogs from Lyme disease or kennel cough, and one to guard cats against Leukemia.

Customized Vaccination Plans Based on Individual Pet Needs

Every dog and cat is unique, each with their own health needs and lifestyle factors.

We consider various details like age, breed, medical history, how much they interact with other animals, and if they’re more of an indoor or outdoor pet. These factors guide us in deciding the most appropriate vaccinations to safeguard your furry companion from canine diseases and feline illnesses.

Why Choose Harrison Central Veterinary Hospital

Our team at Harrison Central Veterinary Hospital provides top-notch care for your pets. We offer a range of canine vaccinations and feline vaccinations, crucial for any pet’s health.

Dr. Erik Pulice understands the risk of exposure to diseases in Clarksburg, WV, and work diligently to prevent them.

Choosing us means your pet receives personalized attention based on their specific needs. We develop customized vaccination plans that incorporate both core and non-core vaccines, ensuring comprehensive protection against diseases.

Trust our experts to keep your pets healthy and safe.

Your Pets Deserve the Best Protection Against Illnesses

Schedule a Vaccination Appointment for Your Dogs and Cats Today!

Ready to ensure your furry friends stay healthy and protected? Contact Harrison Central Veterinary Hospital today. Schedule a visit for their vaccinations or ask us about our comprehensive pet care services.

Your pets deserve the best protection against illnesses, and we’re here to provide just that. Keep your dogs and cats happy and healthy all year long!

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